5 top colleges for education majors

Education majors spend a mint to get their degrees, but don’t make a mint upon graduation. Unlike lawyers and doctors, who can look forward to six figure salaries, teachers need to balance the cost with the benefits when choosing where to get a degree.

With the cost/benefit balance in mind, I compared Niche’s list of top colleges for education majors, US News and World Report’s best education schools, and Best Value School’s list of best value schools for education majors to come up with this list of top ranked schools of education that are worth what you pay for.
The “top” schools like Harvard and Stanford didn’t make my list because they didn’t meet my requirement for cost vs. benefit. My own alma mater, the Curry School of Education at The University of Virginia almost made the list, but didn’t quite squeeze into the top 5.
#1 Brigham Young University
- #4 Niche
- #1 Best Value

#2 Vanderbilt University
- #6 US News & World Report
- #1 Niche
- #21 Best Value

Connect with them on Twitter @VanderbiltU
#3 University of Wisconsin
- #3 US News & World Report
- #7 Niche

#4 University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
- #11 US News & World Report
- #3 Niche

#5 Boston College
- #22 US News & World Report
- #5 Niche
- #45 Best Value

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