Hi, Longwood Future Teachers!

I am passionate about recruiting and retaining high quality educators to America’s public schools.
I’ve only begun to breach the surface with this blog. I have so much more information, tips, and tricks to share. If you like what you see here, subscribe to the blog below or in the pop up to get bi-weekly emails when I post new content. Use your Longwood email address and I’ll send you a FREE E-COPY OF MY BOOK, A WANNABE TEACHER’S GUIDE: GETTING HIRED, HAVING FUN, AND STAYING SANE. Also be sure to follow me on Twitter.
I want to know how I can help you! What do you need? What do you want to know?
I’ve been at it for 13 years. I’ve moved 5 times and gone through the hiring process each time. I’ve worked in 5 different school districts (my husband’s job required that we move often). I’ve been on the other side of the table, doing the interviewing (now as department chair). I’ve taught too many different classes to list them all but to name a few: English 9-12, from Core to Dual Enrollment, yearbook, newspaper, communications technology, mass communications…
Ask me a question in the comments and either I will answer it myself or find someone who can. I’m here to answer the questions you don’t want to ask your professors, like..
- What if I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the class?
- How do I choose which health insurance to sign up for my first year teaching?
- What are some of the most embarrassing things you’ve seen happen to teachers and how did they overcome it?
- What’s the difference between what my professors are telling me and what it’s really like in a classroom today?
- What do I do if two kids in my class start fighting?
- How do you deal with anxiety as a teacher?
Here are some more resources to get you started:
- Motivation:
- General advice:
- Get hired:
We need good teachers so badly! #SchoolsNeedYou #WeNeedYou #KidsDeserveIt
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