WannabeTeacher Blog


Chat with Dr. Sam Fecich

Edumagic author, Dr. Sam Fecich, and I chat about the future of education and readying the next generation of teachers. Check out the podcast here. Listen to the end for a chance to win...

Teach Better Team 0

Teach Better Team Podcast

I recently had the opportunity to chat with the Teach Better Team about motivating new teachers, changing the narrative around teaching, & pushing through fear. Here are all the places you can check it...

Recommended Viewing for future teachers 0

First year teacher documentary

Recommended viewing I highly recommend that future teachers watch this first year teacher documentary by Kansas State College of Education. Nothing will help ease your new teacher fears better than seeing that others have...

Rookie mistakes 2

5 Rookie Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make

Being a brand new teacher comes with a plethora of challenges. Make sure one of these 5 rookie mistakes doesn’t cause you undo stress. 1. Wearing uncomfortable shoes. Not wearing the right shoes is...

First year teacher survival mode 0

Survival Mode

“They” say that the first year of teaching is all about survival. It is about making it through the day, the class, the hour without pulling your hair out, yelling, crying, or locking yourself...