Tagged: classroom

Student perspective on teaching

It often feels like we are unappreciated or at least underappreciated as teachers, but what is the student perspective? What do students think is the most important traits in teachers? What do students think...

4 easy plants for the classroom

Greenery is all the rage in home décor so why not bring plants into the classroom or home office? Not only are plants pleasant to look at, they can increase the air quality of...

Have students create their own Wordle

I’m going to assume that you have a basic understanding of how Wordle works and are able to explain it to your students. If not, please read this post first. You will need a...

Teacher gifts during quarantine

My daughter’s kindergarten teacher has really gone above and beyond for her students this year; especially during the past six weeks of online learning. I feel compelled to do something for her. Hopefully she’s...


Help me make the class of 2020 smile

This year’s senior classes will not get to walk across a stage, shake a principal’s hand, or get applauded by their parents, peers, and teachers. The momentous graduation ceremony will be either non-existent or...

Easy quarantine dinner

Stuck at home? The entire state of Virginia just closed schools for two weeks! Now I’m thinking about digital learning for my students AND entertaining my own two children at home all day. You...