Unexpected perks of teaching

There are additional perks to teaching that you may not have even considered. Because I am a teacher, I have spent a month on a Japanese Fulbright in Japan studying their education system, traveled to The Galapagos to observe wildlife and do service work, and studied writing at Exeter College, Oxford University, England. I paid a total of $0 for all of those amazing experiences because I am a teacher.
Unexpected Perks

- Travel – Did you know that there are tons of opportunities for free travel for teachers? Often it means that you have a gaggle of students along with you, but hey, if you teach, you like the company of kids anyway. Check out People-to-People. It is a wonderful organization that pairs teachers with students and sends them out to experience amazing sights and cultures around the world. Also check out Teacher’s at Sea, The Fulbright Classroom Teacher Exchange Program, EF Tours, and The National Endowment for the Humanities.
- Learn- I’m going to assume you love learning because you are, or want to be, a teacher. Being a teacher allows you tons of opportunities to be a lifelong learner. Check out the tuition reimbursement program through your school system. Many will pay a percentage, or a certain dollar amount, towards higher education classes. Again, look at the National Endowment for the Humanities. They offer amazing learning opportunities which are often paired with travel. Don’t forget you have the summer off. You can spend that time in countless ways that enrich you physically, socially, emotionally, or academically. Use your summer to get trained as an EMT, or learn to scuba dive, or section hike the Appalachian Trail. The options are endless.
- Explore other employment-Here’s to that summer off again. Always wanted to teach swim lessons, or do photography, or write a book? Use your summer to pursue those dreams.
- No down payment loans- Many communities offer no down payment mortgages to teachers. They will often also waive various application fees, etc. Check out what is available in your location.
- Discounts at stores– I bet you had no idea how many stores offer teacher discounts. Some of the big names include: Barnes & Noble, A.C. Moore, JoAnne Fabrics, Banana Republic, New York and Company, J. Crew, Apple, Adobe, Best Buy, Verizon, and AT&T. Local businesses in your area likely do as well. Just ask.
- Get a job fast – Baby boomers are retiring at record speeds and teacher shortages have become a real problem in the past couple of years. Schools are desperately looking for good educators. If you want more specifics about teacher shortages in particular geographic areas check out the interactive “Nationwide Teacher Shortage Areas Listing.”
12 Responses
[…] I mentioned in The Unexpected Perks of Teaching, the summer offers opportunity to bring in additional income by pursuing other passions. When I […]
[…] Teachers are “on” every day. We plan at least 180 days’ worth of lessons for about six hours of active teaching a day (which varies depending on the level). That means teachers are planning around 1,080 hours of lessons each year. How long does it take to plan a lesson? That depends on you, but streamline that process (keep reading to learn how) because that’s just the planning, not the actual teaching, or grading, or meetings, so all that work that gets piled on during graduate school is teaching more than just theory. It’s teaching time management and stress management. (A reminder why teaching is extra awesome?) […]
[…] rewards as well. Listing six emotional benefits of teaching only breaks the surface of the multitudes of ways that being a teacher can benefit us emotionally, but it’s a good starting […]
[…] Unexpected perks of teaching […]
[…] Unexpected perks of teaching […]
[…] Unexpected perks of teaching […]
[…] Unexpected perks of teaching […]
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[…] to mention discounts on everything from your cell phone bill to your house down payment. Check out this post for some of the more unexpected perks of […]
[…] unsure, take this “Should I teach” quiz. Also check out my list of less commonly known perks of teaching and 10 reasons why being a teacher is […]
[…] Unexpected perks of teaching […]
[…] Unexpected perks of teaching […]